====== Buddhism, from the top down ====== One difficulty in between the stages of "curious about Buddhism" and "knowledgeable about Buddhism" comes in, well, finding the way to navigate the Dhamma (teachings of Buddha). The Theravadin Tipitaka is not structured in any straightforward way; reading it book by book, chapter by chapter, page by page is dissatisfying for all but the diehard nerds. ==== Walkthroughs ==== * [[https://mettarama.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/The-Word-of-the-Buddha-draft-by-Ajahn-Brahm.pdf|Word of the Buddha]] -- 64 page text covering 4 noble truths and 8fold noble path, consisting of selected scriptural references. * [[https://www.dhammawheel.com/viewtopic.php?t=14640|In the Buddha's words]] -- deeper delve into the intellectual and cultural basis of Theravada Buddhism * [[https://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/thanissaro/wings/index.html|Wings of Awakening]] -- 37 element list summation of Buddhist practice